
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Check out the Ed Sias site!

You want a sneak peek at this weekend's race? Go to this link:

You can see an aerial map of the course (although it doesn't reveal the size of the final hill...). You can also see videos from last year's races.

Panthers of the Week

For Week ending September 5, 2010.

Girls Panther of the Week. Evvy Archibald. With about 1/2 mile to go in the Varsity Girls race at Rancho Cotate Evvy saw Marina a bit in front of her but she also say a girl from Carrillo about 20 yards ahead of her and Marina. So Evvy makes a mini surge to catch Marina and says to her teammate "let's go get her". Guess what? They did. With team work and encouragement both girls were able to catch and pass the girl from Carrillo. Marina admitted that without Evvy's help she probably wouldn't have caught and passed the Puma. Both Panthers prevailed.

Remember we are all out there to encourage all of our teammates in all situations. It paid off for Marina and Evvy. Evvy remembered what we talked about the first day of practice.

Boys Panther of the Week. Avie Ballo. That is because his name sounds a lot like Evvy's. NOT!
Avie spent the past year preparing himself for this Cross Country season. Avie knew he would need to run an ambitious spring and summer to attain his goal of making the Varsity team. Avie trained extremely hard all spring during the Track and Field season. He continued his dedicated training throughout the summer. And now Avie runs in his first Varsity race at Rancho and is our 7th finisher. At this time that makes him Varsity and will run on the Varsity team at Ed Sias this upcoming Saturday. Avie knows the meaning of true excellent training and dedication. Avie is running Varsity. He ran a minute and a half faster than at last years Rancho Invite. 4 minutes faster than when he was a freshman.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


On Friday at Rancho there was no doubt who was the most spirited team at the meet. There was no doubt who was the BRIGHTEST team at the meet. When you combine Orange and Black and Spirit and Fast Running you get Santa Rosa High School. Who is the brightest? WE ARE!!!!. Maybe not the fastest right now but pretty darn close. At season's end our goal is to be also the fastest. It is a long season that takes patience and hard work. We have our goals and we now embark on achieving those attainable goals. Aim high and we will achieve our goals.


(The American Panther Dog bred only at Santa Rosa High School with a Black background and Orange highlights that seem to appear almost as a brindle)

ED SIAS Race Times

Satruday September 11 we will be going to the Ed Sias Invitational in Martinez. The Course is a hilly 2 miles. Everyone is eligible to go but we need drivers to get everyone to the meet. So ask your parents if they can drive to Martinez on Saturday September 11. We will be leaving at different times from the Swim Center. Shown below are the race times, departure times will be posted soon.

Here is the schedule of races:

Ed Sias 2010

8:30 Coaches Race

9:25 Boys JV Race

9:50 Boys Frosh Soph Race

10:15 Boys Frosh Soph and JV Unlimited

11:05 Boys Varsity

11:30 Girls JV

11:55 Girls Frosh soph

12:20 Girls frosh soph Jv unlimited

1:10 Girls Varsity

The team you are running on will be posted on Wednesday as I know we will have those that cannot attend so will change the makeup of the teams now in place.

Ed Sias Invitational is a very presitgious event that has had State and National Champions participate in. It has also had every body else. It is a very good meet. Mostly schools from the East Bay. Attend if you can. It is highly recommeded.


Practice Monday Labor Day

Remember practice at the graveyard 10 AM on Labor Day(Monday Sep 6). We will meet at the graveyard.