
Friday, January 18, 2013

Track practaice begins Monday Feb 4 at Nevers Field. In order to practice you will have to have completed and turned in an athletic packet for this current school year that began in August 2012. Athletic packets can be picked up in the main office. You need to turn them into me. My inbox is in the lower left corner in the main office as you go to your right. It is labled " Cross Country/Track and Field". There is also the $50 fee to be dealt with. That, too, needs to be taken care of before you can begin practice. Waivers are available in the business office. There is a Family maximum of $150 for an entire school year. Even if you have paid a $50 fee for a Fall and Winter sport you still need to pay the Spring fee unless you get a waiver or your family has reached the $150 minimum. If your family has reached the maximum you still need to get the waiver. I will need to see your waiver sheet before you can practice. If you are a new transfer student to Santa Rosa High you will need to see Mr. Neally to obtain a waiver to participate. Take care of the paper work now so you don't miss the early season practices. The meet schedule is attached.
Weight training going strong. Panther attending getting stronger. Track and Field weight and agility training happens every Tuesday and Thursday in the South Gym weight room right after school. Tuesday over 50 dedicated Panther athletes showed up and on Thursday we had a slight dip to 48 participants. Coach Josh takes EVERYONE through some rigorous and beneficial work. Even Coach Doug did his knee bends on surgically repaired knees and felt his muscles work for the first time in years. Gratifying. Get a super head start on our season and be at the weight room on Tuesday and Thursday. We have 201 students signed up for our team at this time. Seems like the Track and Field Team is the place to be. Track and Field is the one sport that has members from most of the other sports at our school. "TRACK AND FIELD, WHERE THE BEST ATHLETES OF ALL SPORTS MEET TO COMPETE"