


We hope that everyone who comes through this program leaves as better athletes, but much more importantly, as better people with greater maturity, character, and values. We hope to cultivate within you an appreciation for hard work, goal-setting, and the journey of becoming a distance runner.

Participating in SRHS cross country is only a stepping stone in your lifelong journey, but hopefully what you learn here will stay with you forever. We hope we can encourage a passion and appreciation for the sports of cross country and track & field. You will not only become lifelong fans, but lifelong participants since these sports uniquely allow for that.

Running allows you the opportunity to use your greatest gifts: your body and your mind. When these gifts are used properly, you will be rewarded both intrinsically and extrinsically. Everyone has different reasons for participating in our program – socialization, health, competition, pancake runs and pasta feeds! We are committed to making your experience special and rewarding. We will put you in a position to succeed; we’ll be there for you every step of the journey.

In sport and in life, if you give, you will get. We are natural optimists who believe that anything is possible. We hope that you leave the program believing that too.


We all love to win, but winning is secondary to the DEVELOPMENT of our team. We are more than a collection of individuals. We are only as successful as the effort we collectively put in together. We are a team. Achieving these goals will translate into success both on the course and in life.


We live in a world that values instant gratification and results. Cross country is the antithesis of this mentality. Success does not happen overnight, in a few weeks, or even over the course of a season. Sometimes it takes four full years of cross country participation to really achieve what you are capable of. Your job is to find meaning in life through putting one foot in front of the other. Much in life can be learned through the simple process of getting out the door and training. You have the opportunity to dream big, set personal goals, commit and work hard, have success, and work together with others. During these seasons, your mettle, your character, your mind, your body, and more will be tested. You will learn what you are capable of in life.


Distance running is hard, let’s face it. This experience has to be fun for you. Participate and belong because you truly want to be out here and bring a positive mentality every day. Enjoy the experience, the workouts, the bonding with others, the travel, the competition, and the rewards of getting better throughout the season. Take part in the many opportunities you have to make new friends, strengthen connections, and be part of something truly special. Train and compete with a fun, relaxed approach and positive attitude. Remember to smile and have fun. Your teammates will thank you.


Whatever you put into this sport and into life, you will get back. Anything is possible with the right attitude, work ethic, and mentality. However far you want to go and how ever hard you work will decide your fate and knowledge of your limits. There will be many things out of your control as you prepare for your races and workouts. What you can control is your effort, your preparedness, and your reaction to the elements. What you can control is your willingness to give 100% in the quality workouts and the races. What you can control is your attitude and approach to each race. So, come out with a positive attitude, some butterflies, be confident, limit thoughts to just situations where you felt best, and just go out, follow the race plan, and compete with heart.


Make smart choices in life. Choose not to drink, not to smoke, not to eat unhealthy foods, not to develop bad sleeping habits. Truly what you put into your body is your fuel for your mind, body, and spirit so always be aware of those choices and choose healthy ones. (See Healthy Living and Nutrition section)
There are only so many things one can commit to in life. Family should always be your ultimate priority because at the end of the day, it is the people in your life who matter most, not the things. Academics, work, sport, and other aspects will of course be important. Use your judgment in what you decide to say yes and no to. You will find greater satisfaction in life when you select a few things and give 100% to those endeavors as opposed to choosing many things and getting overwhelmed and only being able to give 60% to each. This will only leave you with an empty feeling. Everything in moderation, including moderation. Allow time for fun and for smiling.


One of the best things about these sports is the opportunity for everyone to have success. This starts with GOAL-SETTING. Focus on concrete goals (WRITE THEM DOWN), visualize positive performances, and strive for continuous improvement. You need to have a reason for being out here every day, for committing your time and your energy, your heart and your soul. A goal will provide that motivation. (See Goal Setting section) If you work hard, follow the program, show up every day, and believe, you will get better. All that work will translate into results. There is nothing better in sport than having your best performances when they count the most: at the end of the season championship level meets. This program is designed for that to happen.


These sports are incredible. We want you to become fans of the high level tremendous athletes and events this sport encompasses. We hope you become ardent and passionate followers and supporters. There are amazing stories and heroic people, from Wilma Rudolph to Jesse Owens to Kenenisa Bekele. This is a glorious sport of courage, of heart, of moments, and of stories that embody the Olympic Creed: Citius, Altius, Fortius. Faster, Higher, Stronger. Become a Track Nut!


Winning with grace and losing with dignity are easier said than done. Sometimes you just want to throw a tantrum after a disappointing race; sometimes you feel like gloating over a fierce cross-town rival after smacking them down. One word: DON’T. The “golden rule” would be good to remember at these points. This goes for practice too.
Showing good sportsmanship also extends to your relationship with your coaches. Please be ready and willing to learn, listen, communicate, respect them, and follow directions. There is no reason to fight with a coach or have a contentious situation. We are all on the same page and are there for you.
Remember that you cannot control your competition, the weather, the facilities, or any other external factor. But you can control your effort and you want to know you left it all out there with no regrets. You can also control your REACTION. Your reaction to a race is just as important to the effort you put forth.
In short: Don’t trash-talk, don’t swear, don’t interfere with other runners, be humble, and show respect.

GOAL #8: HONOR THE TRADITION AND HISTORY OF SRHS (aka “Don’t Embarrass the Program”)

You are part of a team at a school with over 100 years of tradition, pride, and excellence. We have had athletes and teams compete at the highest levels. Take pride in your school and this program. Wear black and orange at meets. Show class.
Being a part of this program is a privilege, not a right. This honor is not to be taken lightly. With over 100 years of history and thousands of athletes who have participated, you are now part of something more than just yourself, a program, a family, and a rich tradition. Participation involves rules to follow to ensure our program continues to live up to its ideals and fundamentals that have been steadily built over time.
Our reputation is that of character, excellence, and sportsmanship. It has taken years to build this. However, an entire reputation can be torn down because of a single bad decision or action. You are now all representatives of this program, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, everywhere you go, not just at practices or competitions. Please take that to heart and show class and pride and live up to our ideals in every single decision you make.